Monday, July 30, 2007

Schedule F Cake

I titled this the Schedule F cake because I work in Financial Aid and a Schedule F is for FARM income on your taxes. Silly huh, but there is a conversation going on about a SCH F as I am typing this. Oh...yeah, I'm at work.

Anyway, I did this sheet cake for an older gentleman's 70th Birthday. His daughter ordered the cake from me and asked that I make it "something farm like with pigs, cows, goats, etc.". So, I did. I used little plastic cupcake sticks of pigs, lambs, cows, chickens, a kitty cat and a puppy dog (not real ones). I piped grass with buttercream frosting up the sides as the trim. I crushed up some chocolate cookies for the dirt under the little piggies and closed off the area with plastic fence. Cute, cute! German Chocolate on the inside. YUMMY.

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